AI, hot. Spending, not.

In board meetings around the world, investors are urging their portfolio companies: “Don’t spend money. Now what are you planning to invest in AI?”

Is AI really the solution to all things?

Should your company even consider AI as part of your value proposition? Do customers truly buy AI or do they buy a result, no matter how you get there?

A discussion for the ages!

Come listen to our experienced panel who were building and selling AI-related products before AI was a “new answer to everyone’s needs.”

Is it all hype?

AI is a buzzword that has been used to describe a variety of technologies, some of which are genuinely transformative, while others are more hype than substance.

Join us while our experts discuss:

  • How machine learning and deep learning shows promise
  • How AI has limitations and drawbacks
  • How investment hype creates unrealistic promises
  • How concerns over job displacement and ethics threaten careers

Our upcoming webcast will feature a panel of experienced and knowledgeable AI experts sharing their observations, experiences, and pet peeves. The insights and perspectives they offer are sure to be valuable.

Webcast Panel

Steve Rankel

Zachary Hanson

Jason Smith

Sign up for the webcast today!